艾菲奖大中华区:创新从未止步 | 2023艾菲指数公布 | 两奖开设最终延期轮,7月11日截止 | “菲”凡2023:20+城市、7大渠道全域曝光 |
2023艾菲终审盛典圆满闭幕 | 艾菲四大奖项破圈北上广深济 | 艾菲高铁号,搭载中国速度 | 携合作伙伴亮相《财富》中国版 |
作为非营利性机构,全球艾菲(Effie Worldwide)致力于通过奖项和实效营销的一流见解,引领、启迪和表彰125+国家和地区的实效营销作品以及实践者。自1968年成立以来,艾菲奖作为年度颁发的营销成就,经过来自全球和地区、专业精准的评审团的层层筛选,表彰最具实效的营销创意。通过奖项,以及艾菲全球实效排名(Effie Index),艾菲每年持续认可和表彰最具实效的品牌,营销机构及代理机构。
Honoring the most effective ideas worldwide for over 50 years!
Effie Worldwide's mission as a non-profit educational organization is to lead, inspire and champion the practice and practitioners of marketing effectiveness globally through education and recognition. The Effie Awards, established in 1968, are given annually to honor the most effective marketing ideas. Effie celebrates effectiveness worldwide with over 55+ programs spanning 125+ countries and regions. Learn more about Effie’s initiatives at effie.org and about Effie Awards winners and finalists at Effie’s Case Database.